Choosing the right dog for you.
Small dogs or big dog?
Some of the smaller terriers and spaniels make excellent pets for families that live in a town or city. They are easy to train, need only modest amounts of food, and can be handled by the smallest of children under parental supervision.
Large dogs need big homes, plenty of exercise, and strong handlers, Outdoors, especially if distracted by scents or other dogs, large dogs could send young members of the family sprawling or yank a lead from a weak hand and run free.
Pedigree or mongrel?
Breeders of pedigree dogs usually have a clear idea of their animal's likely personalities. It may be difficult for you to guess a mongrel's final size or personality accurately. Discuss the kind of dog you want with your vet and get advice on the most suitable breeds.
If you want to show your pet professionally, it is best to buy a registered pedigree animal, which can be expensive. Of course, you can show any pet dog, including a mongrel, in a junior pet competition.
Male Dogs or Female Dogs
Male dogs roam more than female dogs. However, male dogs do not come into “season,” time when bitches are “in heat” and ready to breed. When bitches are “in season” they should be isolated from male dogs to prevent unplanned matings.
Bitches are usually less aggressive and more homeloving than dogs. Male dogs are more active when young but settle down as they get older. Dogs scent and mark their and mark their territories with urine, but Female dogs are much less likely to behave in this way.